Find out about the latest events from the London Anti-Racism Collaboration for Health.
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Latest resources
- Webinars: Support with implementing the REMIWhat is the session about? Are you looking for guidance on implementing the Race Equity Maturity Index (REMI) in your… Read more: Webinars: Support with implementing the REMI
- January 22 Event: Hearing Community Voices: Effective Engagement to Reduce Health InequalityHearing Community Voices: Effective Engagement to Reduce Health Inequality Listening to the voices of those for whom services are designed… Read more: January 22 Event: Hearing Community Voices: Effective Engagement to Reduce Health Inequality
- LARCH Learning Event ‘Advancing anti–racism in health and care: introduction to the Race Equity Maturity Index (REMI)’It is well evidenced that racism has a detrimental effect on individuals physical and mental health. This experience is further… Read more: LARCH Learning Event ‘Advancing anti–racism in health and care: introduction to the Race Equity Maturity Index (REMI)’