The Race Equity Maturity Index (REMI) is a pioneering tool aimed at addressing systemic health inequalities with the support of the NHS and other health and care bodies in London. As the first initiative of its kind in London, REMI sets a new global benchmark for tackling racial inequalities in health and care organisations.
REMI is a powerful self-assessment tool developed by people and communities from across London’s health and care system. It is the first evidence-based tool designed to help health and care organisations track, measure, and enhance their commitment to race equity, designed to complement existing equality, diversity, and inclusion efforts across the Greater London region.
REMI has six stages, guiding organisations from understanding the problem to becoming leaders in race equity.
- Awareness
In the Awareness stage, organisations recognise racism as an issue. Leadership and staff acknowledge this challenge, and conversations begin, defining key terms and collecting demographic data.
- Commitment
Commitment means action. The organisation develops a clear race equity strategy with dedicated resources to implement the strategy and monitor and track progress.
- Implementation
Implementation is where strategies turn into action. The organisation actively works toward race equity goals.
- Embedding
In Embedding, race equity becomes part of the organisation’s core practices. Policies and decision-making processes are aligned with anti-racist principles.
- Creating
In the Creating stage, organisations innovate, finding new ways to address racial disparities and enhance inclusion.
- Championing
Finally, Championing organisations set the standard. They’re accountable to both staff and community, working toward eliminating the societal drivers of health inequalities.