LARCH Anti-Racism Statement

The LARCH Anti-Racism Statement for the Health and Care Sector is designed to be a starting point for organisations aligned to our efforts to show their commitment to anti-racist practice.

Working with a co-production group, LARCH has designed an agreed statement to which all partners from the health and care sector can use as the foundation of their anti-racist practice:

Anti-Racism Statement for the Health and Care Sector

The health and care sector are proud to serve the diverse communities in London but recognise that structural racism exists and is harmful. Structural racism impacts on Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic Londoners and is a driver for the inequalities in health that they experience. This is evident in the poorer maternal outcomes for Black and South Asian women, and the higher risk of Black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups experiencing excess deaths during the Covid-19 pandemic. We know that racism exists in a myriad of ways through systems, processes and social norms that leads minoritised ethnic groups to have poorer outcomes. This may also be heightened by other intersectional factors beyond race and ethnicity. We want all Londoners to receive equitable services, where racism plays no role, so that they can live healthy and fulfilling lives. Therefore, as a health and care organisation we are committed to being an anti-racist; and will be ambitious in our actions to address the challenge of racism and racial disparities to reduce health inequalities.

Being anti-racist means we acknowledge and actively work to address the impacts of racism within our own organisation, on the people we serve and the wider society. To achieve our anti-racism ambitions to tackle structural and systemic racism we are changing structures and processes to put racial equity at the forefront. We will take actions that fit our specific situations, for example, better understanding of research evidence to inform practice; tackling racism within our workforce and the communities we serve; and importantly embedding local community voice in the development, evaluation and decision making for our services. We want measurable impact, and we are ready to be held to account for our progress by the communities we serve. We are committed to doing better: we will work with, share with and learn from our partners across London; actively utilise anti-racism programme resources so that we improve how we address ethnic health inequalities at every level of our system.

Interested in adopting the LARCH Anti-Racism Statement?

We support health and care organisations to adopt our Anti-Racism Statement as a foundation for meaningful anti-racist practice.

Fill in the enquiry form below and we’ll be in touch to provide the help you need for your organisation to demonstrate its commitment to anti-racism.